About the book…
How can parents help their preteens or ‘tweens’ on their road to adulthood? Children need to know what it means to be an adult with strong character and values. 12 Tasks will guide you on how to create a rite of passage for your emerging adult. The book tells the story of where 12 Tasks began 30 years ago among some families in Kenya. It traces the history and importance of rites of passage in traditional culture. Then it offers a clear how-to for designing your own version of 12 Tasks for your child – including ways to assess your child, choosing the tasks, completing and then celebrating at the end. 12 Tasks is not an easy journey, but it will help deepen your relationship as a parent with your child and it will help you guide your son or daughter in their transition toward adulthood.
This book was written by two fathers who are passionate about helping their children and grandchildren make a successful transition from being youth to being adults. 12 Tasks offers a personal and practical path for parents with the same passion to help their children on the journey to adulthood.

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Vincent Lau and his son Stephen deal with the realities of modern life while trying to negotiate the next steps of maturity. Can a group of fathers cross cultural and generational boundaries to help their sons overcome a life-changing adventure? Stocked with the skeletal core of what the 12 Tasks are all about.
Shel Arensen is also the author of the Rugendo Rhino book series. In book 6 of the series, The Test of the Tribal Challenge, the 12 Tasks is a running theme throughout the book.